Magnolia Montessori

Kotahi te kākano, he nui ngā hua o te rākau

We provide for children between four months to two years of age in a tranquil Montessori environment. This will be prepared to maximise sensory experiences, encourage motor development through a variety of activities, nurturing a language rich culture, guided by experienced, caring and empathic Montessori teachers, who carefully build trusting and caring relationships, enabling families and children to feel a strong sense of family and community.

A tree comes from one seed but bears many fruit.

It is with great excitement and joy we offer our purposefully prepared environment for under threes - Magnolia Montessori.

The building is situated around the back of Taylor St Montessori which can be accessed by entering the car park and continuing around the back of the large building where we are located at the far left.

The children attending Magnolia includes a range of ages, and each child’s individual rhythm will be taken into consideration when eating, sleeping, exploring and discovering or simply needing time to rest and observe.

Transition both into and out of Magnolia is led by the child, in collaboration with families and Kaiako. Visits begin accompanied by a family member, gradually having short times by themselves to becoming a contented and confident class member. The same child-led process occurs when moving to the older environment next door. The transition can occur once the child turns 2 years old and is showing readiness for the next step. We consult with families throughout and once again, a family member accompanies their child on those beginning visits.

The range of ages carries through in all Montessori classrooms, tuakana teina is evident throughout, older children teaching younger children and learning to respect and support each other like family life. Within our Magnolia environment we have a divided classroom whereby the needs, safety and developmental challenges are met for both babies and toddlers alike. We share other times in the day, such as music, sleep or kai times and when venturing outside. Our outdoor environment is very flat and spacious and is shared by both age groups, providing a space which fosters and develops skills at each child’s pace.

Please contact Celeste to arrange a time to visit. ([email protected])

Come and visit the environment, talk to the Head Teachers and see the way the other children are enjoying their work, in a respectful, fun and calm way. Avail of this opportunity with a no obligation visit to both the under three and three to six classroom, so you can visualise the whole preschool journey.

“Teach me to do it, for myself” Dr M Montessori.

View our current ERO here

We look forward to meeting you and your children.

Trish, Maree and Penny.